Stained glass suncatcher workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2024 for beginners and intermediates
Stained glass suncatcher workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2024 for beginners and intermediates
Stained glass suncatcher workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2024 for beginners and intermediates
Stained glass suncatcher workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2024 for beginners and intermediates
Stained glass suncatcher workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2024 for beginners and intermediates

Stained glass suncatcher workshop: Saturday, October 19, 2024 for beginners and intermediates

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SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 2024, 10:30am- approx. 3:30pm

This is a class for both beginners and intermediates in which you will learn the basics of copper foil technique and go home with your own stained glass suncatcher you made yourself! The workshop will include basic instruction on how to design and structure your piece, create a pattern and template, cut glass, use a diamond grinder, apply copper foil, assemble and solder the pieces together and add a hook to properly hang your completed piece. For those of you who have already attended my suncatcher class before, you can build upon that by learning how to cut more challenging lines and shapes, create more complex pieces, and incorporate metal hoops and copper foil and wire overlay details if desired.

I will help you choose from existing templates or start with your own idea for a design that I will help modify based on your skill level and the sake of time and stability of your piece. It's highly recommended that beginners stick to simple, basic designs to make sure you are comfortable with the process and the time it takes to create your first piece. Should you choose to come back, you can build upon your skills each time and make more complex suncatchers.

The workshop will take place in my stained glass studio just outside of Rosendale, NY and will last approximately 5 hours from start to finish (that's $30/hour including the cost of glass!). Price of the class includes all tools and materials, and proper safety protection. The timing of the workshop is loose - I like to keep the end time open-ended to make sure everyone gets to put in as much time as they need for their project. Everyone works at a different pace, so feel free to stay as long or as little as you'd like.

As of now, masks are no longer required in the studio. This policy may change by the time this workshop occurs; I just want to make sure everyone is safe and healthy. Regardless, N95 masks are especially helpful as they block out exhaust fumes while soldering, so it really is very beneficial to bring one to this class and I highly recommend it.

If you cannot attend this date, I will be holding another class soon. If you would like to schedule a private, individual lesson or coordinate your own group of people on a different day that works for you (including birthday parties!), please feel free to contact me.

Once you purchase your spot in the workshop here, you'll receive an email update with the exact studio location and other necessary details shortly. This workshop is non-refundable and non-transferable and this purchase cannot be used for any other scheduled class, so please choose your date and purchase wisely.